Individual Therapy
I work with individuals who wish to be more self aware of their own thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Individual Therapy sessions are times for self investigation. In this work, individuals become more clear about choices they can make in how they want to relate to themselves and to meaningful people around them.
Couples Therapy
In Couples Therapy, couples are invited to define their problems and find ways to navigate through troubled times in a safe environment. Couples come to session often concerned with feelings of disconnection. Through their work together, the couple learns to support clear and thoughtful communications. It is encouraged to work toward a deeper understanding and appreciation of each person in the “coupleship”. The effects can cultivate a more satisfying relationship with renewed feelings of closeness and connection.
Family Therapy
In Family Therapy, all the family members are invited to define their problems and find ways to navigate through conflicts in a safe environment. Family comes to session often concerned with the feelings of disconnect and misunderstandings of one another. Together it is agreed upon that clear and thoughtful communications must be established. The Family’s work together encourages work toward a deeper understanding and appreciation of each person in the family. The effects can develop more satisfying relationships with renewed feelings of closeness. It is paramount that families find a way to navigate conflict without fear, shame and anger.
Child Therapy
I work with children who need to be more self understanding and accepting of their own thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Child Therapy sessions are times for the child’s self investigation through conversations, play, art work and/or bibliotherapy. In this work, children become more aware of choices they have within their power to make. They can make decisions concerning how they want to relate to themselves and how they want to relate to meaningful people around them. Children’s self concepts can become healthy ones. Empowerment of good choices and self acceptance are key to a child’s self esteem.

Therapy Services
Professional counseling and psychotherapy services around a wide variety of issues, including but not limited to:
• Anxiety​
• Depression
• Low Self-Esteem/ Poor Self-Concept
• Communication Problems
• Emotional Regulation
• Stress Management
• Anger Management
• Loss and Grief
• Relationship Issues
• Family Conflict
• Co-Parenting​
• Separation
• Divorce
• Social Skills
• Perfectionism
• Learning Disabilities
• Life Stages Adjustments
• Transitions
• Post Traumatic Stress Disorder/ PTSD